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  الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)

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المدير العام

المدير     العام

عدد المساهمات : 207
معدل التقييم : 0
نقاط : 8087
الدولة :  الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   030511030352hib3spvlejh4gxn3134v
العمر : 33
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/08/2010
المزاج : ارسم
الهوايات : Professional painting
mms  الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   28
الاوسمة  الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   W1

 الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)     الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 30 مارس 2011, 4:05 am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

وبعد طول إنتظار وأخيرا نزل

الإصدار الثالث والمتوافق بكامل خصائصه مع إصدارات هاكات في بي سيو الأخيرة اي 3.5

وأخيرا وأخيرا نزل على vbulletin.org

( نسخة مجانية من vbulletin لا تحتاج ترخيص)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

الهاك رائع بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة  الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   Cupidarrow

vBSEO Search Engine XML Sitemap 3.0

We are extremely pleased to inform the vBulletin.org
community that a fully revamped version of the vBSEO Search Engine XML
Sitemap (previously "vBSEO Google/Yahoo Sitemap Generator") v.3.0, is
being released to all licensed vBulletin users effective immediately!

 الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   Creativityworld.net-7b282d4d3f

Note: The NEW vBSEO Search Engine XML Sitemap 3.0 replaces all
previous versions of the "vBSEO Google/Yahoo Sitemap Generator", and
includes support for all the new URL types in vBulletin 4.x.

New in the vBSEO Search Engine XML Sitemap v.3.0

The new sitemap alters the way data is structured in fundamental ways.
Sitemap 3.0 segments different content areas into separate files, so
you end up with a unique set of files per content type: forums, blogs,
cms, groups, albums, members, tags, etc. In addition, the new sitemap
has an extended priority feature that utilizes the built in 'weight'
tool of the vBulletin XML sitemap generator for individual forums, CMS
sections and articles to act as a multiplier.

We believe these changes are responsible for delivering increased
returns for a number of forums from customers and testers we've been
tracking. Please track your own progress via your Google Webmaster
tools account, Google Analytics or [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

A Clean and Beautiful Interface

The new sitemap also features a clean and beautiful interface, built
from the ground up. We believe it reflects the quality, precision and
attention to detail placed into each aspect of this release. We are
passionate about building software, and great software is beautiful
inside, and out.



The "vBSEO Search Engine XML Sitemap"
plugin provides an easy to use solution that allows your forum to be
indexed by all major search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Bing, and
Ask, faster, more completely, more effectively, and with less bandwidth consumption.

The ultimate goal is to help you achieve more web traffic for your forum.

Originally Posted by Google's Description of GSM

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your site’s
representation in the Google index. It's a collaborative crawling
system that enables you to communicate directly with Google. You get a
smarter crawl because you can provide Google with specific information
about all your web pages, such as when a page was last modified or how
frequently it changes.

This plugin is fully compliant with vBSEO 3.5.x versions. The current
version is vBSEO 3.5.2 If you are running vBSEO, please upgrade to
vBSEO 3.5.2 (or greater) before installing for optimal results.


Fully compatible with:

  • vBulletin 3.8.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x
  • vBulletin Blogs *Optional
  • vBulletin CMS *Optional
  • vBSEO 3.5.2 + higher *Optional

What does it do?


  • Auto-generates an XML sitemap for all of your specified forum URL types (including vBulletin Blog & CMS URLs).
  • NEW! Groups forum areas into individual sitemaps grouped by section type for greater flexibility, for example:

    • sitemap_forum_X.xml.gz
    • sitemap_tags_X.xml.gz
    • sitemap_cms_X.xml.gz

  • Auto-notifies Search Engines when a new sitemap is generated (optional)
  • Automatically sends you a summary of the sitemap generation via email each time it is created (optional)
  • Includes only publicly accessible forums and threads and includes the option of not including any specific public forums
  • Allows Search Engines to find all of your forum
    URLs without having to spider the forum to find the links. Great for
    Deep Page linking!
  • Allows Search Engines to find your forum URLs without having to account for query string and/or session ID information.
  • Allows Search Engines to give precedence to crawling your higher priority forum pages.
  • Allows Search Engines to give precedence to crawling your forum pages that change more frequently.
  • Allows you to conserve bandwidth by more
    efficiently facilitating the crawling processes for GoogleBot, Yahoo
    Slurp, Ask's Teoma, Bing's msnbot, and other search engine bots.
  • Is 100% compatible with the static CRUs (Content Relevant URLs) used by vBSEO-enabled forums.
  • Is 100% compatible with the 'Friendly URLs' offered default with vb4.x.

How does it work?


Whenever it is scheduled or invoked via the URL, this plugin will
generate an XML formatted that search engines are able to read and
parse. If you selected "Yes" to the Auto-notification setting, The 4
major search engines will be notified each time the sitemap is

  • Google Sitemap files are gzipped for space savings
  • Forum and thread pages are listed with pagination (i.e. all pages for each forums/thread are included in the sitemap)
  • Maximum Priority is set for Sticky threads.
  • Optimization for sitemap generation on large forums.

Automated Reporting Tool


The vBSEO Sitemap includes a report tool, allowing you to track your progress. To access your reports enter the following URL:

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

NOTE: Replace "[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]" with the full URL to your vB forum root.

You will be required to login by providing your "Sitemap Interface Access Password" from your vBSEO Sitemap settings in:

  • vBulletin Admin CP -> vBSEO -> vBSEO Sitemap Settings

Once you successfully login, you will see a number of tabs. Here are the 4 main links:

Reports List
The 'Show Reports List' link will display a report of each time your
vBSEO Sitemap generator executed, including the (1) date, (2) run time,
(3) total URLs included, and (4) and change in # of URLs included from
the last generation.

Each vBSEO Sitemap generation record will include a (1) "View details"
and (2) "Remove record" link. The "View Details" link shows more
detailed information about the sitemap generated. The "Remove record"
will permanently delete the record from your reports.

Downloads Log
The 'Show Sitemap Downloads Log' link will display a report of each
time your vBSEO Sitemap was downloaded by either a search engine
(Identified by the Bot's name) or by another user agent (i.e. Web
browser, etc.).

The report includes the (1) date, (2) name of sitemap file downloaded,
(3) Bot, (4) IP address of the downloader, and the (5) User-agent.

Each vBSEO Sitemap download record will include a "Remove record" link
which will permanently delete the record from your reports.

Search Engine Bots Activity Log
Use it to track Search engine activity on your sitemaps. This area
displays how often, and what volume of pages search engines visit your
site on a daily basis.

Run Generator
The 'Run Sitemap Generator' link will automatically regenerate your vBSEO Search Engine XML Site sitemaps.

Additional Links
Additional links to various other related Search Engine/SEO resources are also included.

Click "Install"
Please click "Mark as Installed" to show your support for this script.  الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)   Smile

Installation, Upgrade, & Configuration
Follow the installation/upgrade instructions provided in the docs/readme.html file.

Webmaster Accounts

It is NOT required for you to have a Webmaster account on the search
engines' websites to run the plugin, however, we recommend everyone set
one up for tracking purposes.

Copyright & Licensing
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الإصدار الساحق : vBSEO Sitemap Generator free 3.0 (نسخة مجانية)
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